How can we keep our eyes on Jesus?

We sing hymns about keeping our eyes on Jesus and often encourage others with that word, but recently I’ve been turning the phrase around and around in my head, trying to figure out how to put that into practice, realistically.

Most likely, you already know what keeping your eyes on Jesus means to you, and I’d really like to know what you think too, so please share your insights in the “Comments” section below.

What eventually occurred to me was to keep my eyes on The Word since Jesus is The Word. Reading the Bible, cover to cover, helps me know how to read Jesus and how to receive the countless promises God gave.

Jesus Himself tells us He’s also The Way. So, instead of taking off on our own or looking around to see where others are going, we come to the spiritual necessity of keeping our eyes on Jesus’ Way. For instance, what He would do and how He might want us to go about it, whether speaking a word of healing comfort to someone or forgiving others for stepping on our toes.

Since Jesus is also The Truth Who our eyes keep searching for, we might begin to see something “off” in our lives. By removing that record (aka log), we can see clearly, which is the phrasing almost every translation of the Bible uses, giving us a concise lesson in developing discernment!

And, praise God, Jesus is also The Life, which encourages us to keep our eyes on The Door He wants us to take and The Way He wants us to go. We also do well to keep our eyes on The Life we’re promised for all eternity, but, until then, let’s keep our eyes and hearts open wide for Christ’s return.

By Mary Harwell Sayler

Mary Harwell Sayler received a Pushcart nomination for poetry and an ALA Award for Nonfiction from the American Library Association. A freelance and assignment writer for Christian and educational publishers, she’s placed 36 books in all genres and over 3,000 poems, prayers, articles, devotionals, and children’s stories with magazines, e-zines, journals, church take-home papers, and anthologies. Mary is also the founder of the Christian Poets & Writers group on Facebook.


  1. Relax, Mary… And remember… Jesus has His eyes on you. You can do lots of things, lots of good things, but none of them will bring Jesus closer to you. We are not saved by anything we do. We cannot write enough, pray enough, study enough, or do anything enough. We totally and utterly depend on grace, on God’s marvelous gift of salvation.

    So, relax. God’s got you. Just be humble saved Mary, and enjoy God’s presence.


  2. I can see a troubled person crying at the feet of Jesus. Then Jesus says, “Hey child, look up here.” They do and see His smiling, loving face. All their troubles dissipate as Jesus takes care of them.


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