Concord-Dance πŸŽ„

When God gave us Jesus –
the One Who would save us –
Heaven could not contain itself.

Light spilled from a star,
heralding His arrival.

The earth burst into life.
Birds called for revival.

Morning Glories began
to bloom in the night chill,

and frightened 
trembled like sheep

when angels awakened
their sleep with song 
as light as snowflakes,

as powerful as a 
Tsunami of harmony
pouring onto earth 
at Jesus’ birth.

Oh, praise Him!

From the book PRAISE! by Mary Harwell Sayler

Oh, Come! Let Us Celebrate πŸŽ„

the birth of the Christ-Child
Who rejoices at our rebirth.

The Holy Infant Jesus –
on us for His care –
shows us
how we must
come to Him
like trusting children.

Hold Him on your lap
with love,
and let Him hug you,
heal you,
and hum a lullaby.

From the book PRAISE! by Mary Harwell Sayler published today on Agape Review

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