Three R’s fora Song

Both song lyrics and poetry can hit high notes with the three R’s: Rhyme, Rhythm, and Refrain. To put this into effect, consider the following tips:

  • Analyze the lyrics of songs you like, focusing on their use of the three R’s.
  • Also study song lyrics you don’t like, analyzing what makes them less effective.
  • Revisit lyrics you’ve previously written to see if you have used the three R’s well. 
  • Occasionally, song lyrics hum with mystery, but, unlike poems that rely on the eye, any subtle changes of meaning can be confusing to the ear. 
  • If you don’t yet have a melody or tune, consider the countless songs out of copyright that can be used with a reference to the original, for example, “to the tune of ‘Amazing Grace’.”
  • Keep your lyrics clear in sound and meaning. 
  • Make your choice of words, phrases, and refrain highly sing-able.
  • Test the above by reading lyrics aloud and singing each revision to be sure nothing hinders its musicality.
  • Allow variation in your use of each of the three R’s but have a good reason for deviating from what the ear normally expects to hear. 
  • As you consider the overall effectiveness of sound effects, let your ear be the final judge.

Mary Harwell Sayler welcomes your comments below for additional tips and helpful feedback.

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