In the Company of Poets

Poets and writers just naturally expect to work alone. It’s in the job description. Like, who can concentrate when someone is chatting away while you’re trying to think creatively?

As if working alone weren’t isolating enough, people seldom take time to respond to what they read, so feedback from real live readers can be rare. If too rare, we might start to think no one reads our work, nor listens, nor cares about poetry and the countless things that make each poem unique. But, today, that changed. To explain:

When The Society of Classical Poets recently accepted some of my poems, I was pleased, of course, to add that impressive journal to my bio. However, I never imagined the joy that would follow this week’s publication through the comments of readers. These were not the typical “I like your poem.” Instead, each person said what they specifically appreciated and why.

Let’s do that unto others! Let’s notice and acknowledge what we like. Let’s remember the importance of encouraging poets, writers, and other artists whose work we welcome.

If you also have a solitary job, I pray you get the encouragement you need when you most need it. I surely did, and it’s a joy. It’s a blessing.

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